Saturday, May 15, 2021


 If I had to describe how I live my would be SIMPLE! I have a simple childlike faith in my walk with God, I love living my simple easy going life with my husband here in the beautiful mountains on western North Carolina - enjoying the view from THE PORCH and feeling the cool Spring Breeze. YEP, the SIMPLE LIFE IS FOR ME!

Friday, May 14, 2021


 In the midst of all the bad news and evil surmising; I’m reminded of the uplifting lyrics from this old Gospel song!

I just feel like something good is about to happen

I just feel like something good is on its way

He has promised that He'd open all of heaven

And brother, it could happen any day

When God's people humble themselves and call on Jesus

And they look to heaven expecting as they pray

I just feel like something good is about to happen

And brother, this could be that very day

I have learned in all that happens just to praise Him

For I knew he's working all things for my good

Every tear I shed is worth all the investment

For I know He'll see me through, He said He would

He has promised eye nor ear can hardly fathom

All the things He has in store for those who pray

I just feel like something good is about to happen

And brother, this could be that very day

Yes, I've noticed all the bad news in the paper

And it seems like things get bleaker every day

But for this child of God it makes no difference

For it's bound to get much better either way 

I just feel like something good is about to happen

I just feel like something good is on its way

He has promised that He'd open all of heaven

And brother, it could happen any day

I have never been more thrilled about tomorrow

Sunshine's always bursting through the skies of gray

I just feel like something good is about to happen

And brother, this could be that very day

Sunday, March 22, 2015


First Story....
Recently on a warmer than usual day right before Spring...
Me: Now that it's getting warmer I'm going to start walking around the yard for exercise.
Barry: Good, I'll give you the lawnmower to hold on to.

Second Story...
So, I tried sitting on the porch but was overtaken by these aggravating little bugs flying all around. When Barry woke from his nap he said, I thought you were sitting on the porch. I told him about the bugs. My man steps out on the porch and I hear him say, "My Father gave me dominion over you and I command you to leave this area and go to some heathens house." I LOVE MY MAN!

Third Story...
I am wonderfully and UNIQUELY made - keep that in mind as I share this story.
Barry and I are watching a program on PBS which goes to a flashback of 1959. After watching for a couple of seconds, I commented, "They don't look like people from the 50's, they look like they're from the 60's!" 
At which my husband replied (with a straight face) - "Cindy 1959 is just one year before 1960."
I laughed and laughed!


Derek, Emily and the boys heading off to their new home in TEXAS!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

If God placed Designer Label Tags 
on us at birth,
They would read:


Psalm 139:1-14

The Voice
O Eternal One, You have explored my heart and know exactly who I am;
You even know the small details like when I take a seat and when I stand up again.
Even when I am far away, You know what I’m thinking.
You observe my wanderings and my sleeping, 
my waking and my dreaming,
and You know everything I do in more detail than even I know.
You know what I’m going to say long before I say it.
It is true, Eternal One, that You know everything and everyone.
You have surrounded me on every side, behind me and before me,
and You have placed Your hand gently on my shoulder.
It is the most amazing feeling to know how deeply You know me, inside and out; the realization of it is so great that I cannot comprehend it.
Can I go anywhere apart from Your Spirit?
Is there anywhere I can go to escape Your watchful presence?
If I go up into heaven, You are there.
If I make my bed in the realm of the dead, You are there.
If I ride on the wings of morning,
if I make my home in the most isolated part of the ocean,
Even then You will be there to guide me;
Your right hand will embrace me, for You are always there.
Even if I am afraid and think to myself, “There is no doubt that the darkness will swallow me, the light around me will soon be turned to night,”
You can see in the dark, for it is not dark to Your eyes.
For You the night is just as bright as the day.
Darkness and light are the same to Your eyes.
For You shaped me, inside and out.
You knitted me together in my mother’s womb long before I took my first breath.

I will offer You my grateful heart, for I am Your unique creation, filled with wonder and awe. You have approached even the smallest details with excellence; Your works are wonderful; I carry this knowledge deep within my soul.


It is this knowledge that has shaped and molded the person I am today. That His Presence goes before me; preparing, guiding, shaping, molding, protecting, providing, correcting - NO MATTER where I am, what I'm doing, or who I'm with - I can not escape His watchful presence. HE has known me even before my first breath and will know me til my last breath. THE WONDER & AWE that the GOD OF CREATION LOVES ME (flaws and all) and desires to be in a relationship with me is overwhelming.  He is constantly shaping and molding me; preparing me for the next level of His purpose and plan for my life.


I asked my family to describe me in one word:
(Surprisingly BLESSED by their responses)

Endearing:(Adam) manifesting or evoking affection: an endearing smile, having characteristics that attract love or affection; cheerful, friendly, good natured, gracious, pleasant, friendly.

Strong-Willed:(Erin) Doesn't give up easily; determined, resolute, firm, purposeful, fixed, intent, steadfast, unwavering, tenacious.

Forthright:(Emily) Honest and direct: providing answers or information in a very clear and direct way. Earnest, natural, real, sincere, unpretentious.

Resilient:(Rebecca) Marked by the ability to recover  easily and quickly from change, misfortune, illness, hardship, buoyant; irrepressible; strong; sturdy; tough.

Dedicated:(Barry)  Wholly committed to a particular course of thought or action; devoted, purposeful, wholehearted, zealous.

Fun Loving/Funny: (Mom & Sisters) enjoying the good or fun things in life; joyful, hilarious, cheerful, lighthearted, confident.

These are the words that describe who I am today as a result of my life’s journey. We are all affected and react differently from lives ups and downs. But in it all, GOD is creating in each of us HIS master design for OUR LIFE!

In all of things I have learned that I can TRUST GOD no matter what the circumstances. NOT TO COMPARE myself to another, but to be CONTENT in where GOD has me and in what He has me doing; AND in ALL things to be JOYFUL

Matthew 6:25-34
The Voice (VOICE)
Here is the bottom line: do not worry about your life.
Don’t worry about what you will eat or what you will drink.
Don’t worry about how you clothe your body.
Living is about more than merely eating,
and the body is about more than dressing up.  
Look at the birds in the sky. They do not store food for winter. 
They don’t plant gardens. They do not sow or reap—and yet,
they are always fed because your heavenly Father feeds them.
And you are even more precious to Him than a beautiful bird. 
If He looks after them, of course He will look after you.  
Worrying does not do any good; 
who here can claim to add even an hour to his life by worrying?
Nor should you worry about clothes.
Consider the lilies of the field and how they grow.
They do not work or weave or sew,
and yet their garments are stunning.  
Even King Solomon, dressed in his most regal garb,
was not as lovely as these lilies. 
And think about grassy fields—the grasses are here now,
but they will be dead by winter.
And yet God adorns them so radiantly.
How much more will He clothe you,
you of little faith, you who have no trust?
So do not consume yourselves with questions:
What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?  
Outsiders make themselves frantic over such questions; 
they don’t realize that your heavenly Father knows exactly what you need.  
Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness,
and then all these things will be given to you too. 
So do not worry about tomorrow.
Let tomorrow worry about itself.
Living faithfully is a large enough task for today.

Don't allow worry, doubt, fear, or the day to day ins and outs of life to consume you.  But live each day by FAITH - KNOWING We’re all a work in progress and He is completing the GOOD WORK HE BEGAN in each one of us.  

Philippians 1:6
The Voice (VOICE)

I am confident that the Creator, who has begun such a great work among you, will not stop in mid-design but will keep perfecting you until the day Jesus the Anointed, our Liberating King, returns to redeem the world.

Monday, March 11, 2013

My husband affectionately refers to me as,
"Cuddle Buggle Boo Boo"
In my searching for the perfect "cuddle buggles"
I came across these 2 cuties ...
and knew immediately 
they were the ones.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I AM A MARY (You Will Find Me Sitting At The Feet Of Jesus)

While Jesus and his followers were traveling,
Jesus went into a town.
A woman named Martha
let Jesus stay at her house.  
Martha had a sister named Mary,
who was sitting at Jesus' feet
and listening to him teach.  
But Martha was busy
with all the work to be done.
She went in and said,
"Lord, don't you care
that my sister has left me alone
to do all the work?
Tell her to help me."
But the Lord answered her,
"Martha, Martha,
you are worried and upset
about many things. 
Only one thing is important.
Mary has chosen the better thing,
and it will never be taken away from her."
Luke 10:38-42

I long past realized that I am a "Mary". 
There's nothing I LOVE more
than sitting at the feet of Jesus.
But there comes a point in time when
you realize that "Martha"
Needs to come out!
There is work to be done,
Dishes, laundry, dusting ~
but, I just want to sit at his feet
Sorry, "Martha"
For now I will choose
"the better thing"
See ya later "Martha"

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Psalm 16: 5-11

Lord, you alone are my inheritance,
my cup of blessing. You guard all that is mine.
The land you have given me is a pleasant land.
What a wonderful inheritance!
I will bless the Lord who guides me;
even at night my heart instructs me.
I know the Lord is always with me.
I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.
No wonder my heart is glad, and I rejoice.
My body rests in safety.
For you will not leave my soul among the dead
or allow your holy one to rot in the grave.
You will show me the way of life,
granting me the joy of your presence
and the pleasures of living with you forever.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


JOY is in the confidence of knowing that you are loved by God.  When you get the revelation of His love, then there is nothing that can take the JOY of that love from you.  We know that in everything God works for the good of those who LOVE HIM.  Notice the key part of this verse: "those who love Him."  Do you love Him? I mean really love Him.  Are you spending time with Him daily, do you delight in His Word?  Is your confidence in knowing His love will bring you through any situation or circumstance; and regardless of the outcome you are still His beloved and He is yours.  Is your love for Him such that no one, or no thing could cause you to turn from such a great love as this.  Have you come to realize the price He paid for your love?  Oh beloved,  when you come into the revelation knowledge of HIS love - NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING can take from you the Joy in knowing the fellowship of His love. 
Today I pray for you as Paul prayed:
So I bow in prayer before the Father from whom every family in heaven and on earth gets its true name. I ask the Father in his great glory to give you the power to be strong inwardly through his Spirit. I pray that Christ will live in your hearts by faith and that your life will be strong in love and be built on love. And I pray that you and all God's holy people will have the power to understand the greatness of Christ's love—how wide and how long and how high and how deep that love is. Christ's love is greater than anyone can ever know, but I pray that you will be able to know that love. Then you can be filled with the fullness of God.

With God's power working in us, God can do much, much more than anything we can ask or imagine. To him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus for all time, forever and ever. Amen.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Come on folks, let's have a little fun!  Just put on a crazy hat and stop being so stiff!  My Mom, sisters and myself went "window" shopping recently in Hendersonville, NC.  This was the result ~ trying on "CRAZY HATS."  I have now started the "Crazy Hat Club"  Simple to join; just put on a crazy hat take a picture of yourself and wah-lah ~ you are a member.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Do you ever feel like you just don't fit in? That maybe ya got on the WRONG BUS!  Why is it that everyone else seems to be so happy but you just can't seem to have the same JOY that others seem to be experiencing.  Where does this joy come from? Are they really this happy or are they just hiding behind their masks.  The Bible tells us, "The joy of the Lord is our Strength!"  Joy comes from the Holy Spirit within us.  You may be assured not every situation in life will make you happy; but you can be confident in knowing that your joy will remain. Happiness is based on outward circumstances. Joy is based on an inward change.  Just as we sang as children, "I've got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy, down in my STAY!"  If you want this Joy, just ask Jesus to come into your heart.  Pray this simple prayer; Jesus, I ask you to forgive me of my sins. I want to have this joy that I see in others. I believe that You died for me and rose from the dead, that You now reign in Glory.  Come into my heart and fill me with your Holy Spirit that I may know this Joy - JOY Unspeakable and full of glory!
Amen,  To grow in Joy you need to daily read the Bible and spend time in His Presence through prayer and just listening.  He has much to share that will bring you great joy!  It's not just about a "Happy Face" it's about a "Joy-full Heart"

Friday, March 19, 2010


Would you be surprised if I told you that one of my favorite childhood movies is Pollyanna.
I guess I could even be accused of being "Pollyannaish." A term used to describe someone who is able to find something to be glad about ~ no matter what the circumstances may be.
Pollyanna's philosophy of life was centered around what she called, "The Glad Game". Originating from an incident one Christmas, when she was hoping to find a doll in the missionary barrell, but instead found only a pair of crutches. Her Minister father - quick on the spot; saw this as an opportunity to teach his daughter to look at the "good" side of things. In this case to be glad about the crutches because, "We don't need em!" Thus the "Glad Game," The rules are simple: Just find something to be glad about in every situation. There are many scriptures to support this concept in the Word. Here are a couple:
Psalm 100:2 Says, "Serve the Lord with gladness"... ;
and Psalm 118:24 States, This is the day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Choose Joy, Choose Gladness.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


James 1:2-8 says; My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have it's perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double minded man, unstable in all his ways.